The brand AventurES was created for children. It is an online game that encourages learning and knowledge about one of the Brazilian states, the Espírito Santo. In the brand the acronym ES was highlighted in the colors of the state flag. The whole concept of fun and dynamic game drives regional tourism. In some layouts the elements were used to refer to school work of “cut and paste”.
The brand AventurES was created for children. It is an online game that encourages learning and knowledge about one of the Brazilian states, the Espírito Santo. In the brand the acronym ES was highlighted in the colors of the state flag. The whole concept of fun and dynamic game drives regional tourism. In some layouts the elements were used to refer to school work of “cut and paste”.
The brand AventurES was created for children. It is an online game that encourages learning and knowledge about one of the Brazilian states, the Espírito Santo. In the brand the acronym ES was highlighted in the colors of the state flag. The whole concept of fun and dynamic game drives regional tourism. In some layouts the elements were used to refer to school work of “cut and paste”.